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CLOSED–Compliance Officer’s Dev Workshop -March 28-29, 2012

FOR : ALL PARTICIPATING RURAL BANKS FROM : Ma. Corazon L. Miller, Chairman SUBJECT : CIRCULAR LETTER: COMPLIANCE OFFICER’S DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Dear Fellow Rural Bankers: The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP), through the Rural Bankers’ Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (RBRDFI) is pleased to announce that it will conduct the seminar-workshop described below …

CLOSED–Compliance Officer’s Dev Workshop -March 28-29, 2012 Read More »

Amendments on the provision of Micro-Agri Loans

All member rural banks are hereby notified of the amendments on the provisions of Micro Agri Loans, as stipulated in the recently issued BSP circular.  The modifications are under subsection X361.7 of the MORB. Particular attention should be given on Section 2, which lists several prudential requirements for compliance; Section 3 meanwhile covers the breakdown …

Amendments on the provision of Micro-Agri Loans Read More »

Corporate Governance Seminar- Mar 15-16, 2012

FOR : ALL PARTICIPATING RURAL BANKS FROM : Ma. Corazon L. Miller, Chairman SUBJECT : CIRCULAR LETTER: SEMINAR-WORKSHOP ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT FOR RB DIRECTORS Dear Fellow Rural Bankers: The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP), through the Rural Bankers’ Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (RBRDFI) is pleased to announce that it …

Corporate Governance Seminar- Mar 15-16, 2012 Read More »

DOF-IC Training on Microinsurance Advocacy on March 6-9 in Cebu City

Dear Rural Bankers: The Insurance Commission (IC) and the Department of Finance will be conducting the three-day Training on Microinsurance Advocacy on March 6-8, 2012 at Harolds Hotel, Cebu City. The activity aims to develop advocate-partners in promoting microinsurance among key stakeholders as part of the nationwide microinsurance literacy campaign. Deadline of confirmation of participation …

DOF-IC Training on Microinsurance Advocacy on March 6-9 in Cebu City Read More »

Repost: Consultation with PDIC

Updates: If you wish to secure a copy of Pres. Araneta’s presentation,please download the file below The commitment to further enhance the country’s banking services in rural areas has received another boost as the Philippine Deposit Insurance Cooperation conveyed its support for the rural banking sector by helping develop a core banking software that will …

Repost: Consultation with PDIC Read More »

RBRDFI ties up with Pangasinan and CARAGA Feds. for Microinsurance Training Course

The Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc.  will be conducting the 2-Day Basic Microinsurance Training Course with the following federations: Samahang Bangko Rural ng Pangasinan February 20 – 21, 2012 City Deluxe Restaurant, Dagupan Open to Non – Federation Members   CARAGA Rural Bankers Federation March 1 – 2, 2012 Dottie’s Place Hotel and …

RBRDFI ties up with Pangasinan and CARAGA Feds. for Microinsurance Training Course Read More »

BAIPHIL Trading and Development Week

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is calling all banks to support the Bankers Institute of the Philippines’  Trading and Development Week, from March 12-17.    This week long celebration is deemed significant as banks “shall recognize the importance of continuous productivity enhancement “. Please download the circular here cl011for more details. Thank you.  

Revised compliance framework for all banks

The BSP has just released Circular 747, amending the entirety of Section X180 of the Compliance System under the Manual of Regulations for Banks. These revisions were approved by the Monetary Board in its resolution signed on the 20th of January 20, 2012. Please take note that all should comply on or before July 1, …

Revised compliance framework for all banks Read More »

Amendments on exemptions granted to small and micro-enterprises

This is to notify all rural banks concerned of the amendments on subsection X304.1 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks, with respect to the extension of submission granted to micro and small enterprises.  As stipulated: “Loans small and micro enterprises which are not specifically exempted from the additional documentary requirements specified under the third …

Amendments on exemptions granted to small and micro-enterprises Read More »

RBAP official pays courtesy call to Senator Marcos

The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines, led by Executive Director Vicente Mendoza recently paid a courtesy call to Senator Ferdinand Marcos to request for sponsorship of a senate bill, amending foreign equity ceilings in rural banks. If amended, rural banks would have additional funds available for borrowers (i.e. farmers, micro-entrepreneurs, fisherfolk) in the countryside. …

RBAP official pays courtesy call to Senator Marcos Read More »