Feature Story

BAIPHIL Trading and Development Week

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is calling all banks to support the Bankers Institute of the Philippines’  Trading and Development Week, from March 12-17.    This week long celebration is deemed significant as banks “shall recognize the importance of continuous productivity enhancement “. Please download the circular here cl011for more details. Thank you.  

Revised compliance framework for all banks

The BSP has just released Circular 747, amending the entirety of Section X180 of the Compliance System under the Manual of Regulations for Banks. These revisions were approved by the Monetary Board in its resolution signed on the 20th of January 20, 2012. Please take note that all should comply on or before July 1, …

Revised compliance framework for all banks Read More »

RBAP official pays courtesy call to Senator Marcos

The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines, led by Executive Director Vicente Mendoza recently paid a courtesy call to Senator Ferdinand Marcos to request for sponsorship of a senate bill, amending foreign equity ceilings in rural banks. If amended, rural banks would have additional funds available for borrowers (i.e. farmers, micro-entrepreneurs, fisherfolk) in the countryside. …

RBAP official pays courtesy call to Senator Marcos Read More »

Article on cooperation between DA and Rural Bankers on Phil Star

Efforts by rural bankers to provide better credit access  to farmers and fisherfolk was again featured in the business section of the Philippine Star.  The article,  published on January 29, reported the fruitful meeting between the officers of RBAP and Secretary Alacala of the Department of Agriculture. Aside from the varied measures and fund guarantees …

Article on cooperation between DA and Rural Bankers on Phil Star Read More »

Deposits up in Q3 2011

Another good showing for the rural banking industry as the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) reports a significant increase in the total level of deposits. As of third quarter in 2011, total deposits in RBs increased by 4.1% from P119.5 billion to P124.4 billion. Based on the general breakdown for all banks (commercial, thrift, rural, …

Deposits up in Q3 2011 Read More »

RBAP delegation pays courtesy call to Sec. Alcala

RBAP officials led by President Ian Eric S. Pama and Executive Director Vicente Mendoza recently held a meeting with Secretary Proceso J. Alcala and Undersecretary Fleta of the Department of Agriculture to discuss measures on how the DA’s office can effectively support and strengthen its’ partnership with  the rural banking industry.   The two parties …

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RBAP supports restoration campaign

Proponents of the Save the Ifugao Rice Terraces Movement can now count on the support of RBAP as the association recently pledged its intention of donating 25,000 pesos, which will be used to purchase a mechanical grass cutter for the rehabilitation of the terraces.  Members and trustees of the RBAP board unanimously gave their resounding concurrence …

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RBAP joins restoration of Rice Terraces

As part of its opening salvo for 2012, the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines is joining the campaign to restore the Ifugao Rice Terraces by donating two grass cutters to help save the splendor of this world-renowned architectural marvel.  RBAP is nonetheless still asking its partners to provide more tangible support by donating other …

RBAP joins restoration of Rice Terraces Read More »

Support for foreign equity in RBs featured in the Philippine Star

The rural banking industry is one step closer to realizing the dream of modernizing all RBs, with the the approval of the third and final reading of the house bill allowing up to 40 percent in foreign equity in rural banks.  For details on the latest good news, please click the attached Philippine Star link http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?publicationSubCategoryId=66&articleId=766334 …

Support for foreign equity in RBs featured in the Philippine Star Read More »

Amendments in the types of MI Loans

This is to notify all concerned rural banks on the amendments to Annex A of Circular Number 694, which now include Microfinance Plus in the types of Microfinance Loans.  Under the new Microfinance Plus, borrowers can avail loans from 150,001 to 300,000 pesos on the basis of their cash flow.   As mentioned in the …

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RBAP-MABS achievements highlighted in International Study Tour

Three Senior Officers from the Central Bank of India, State Bank of Pakistan and Central Bank of Sri Lanka recently visited the RBAP – MABS office in Intramuros as part of their study tour organized by the Asia Pacific Rural and Agrcultural Credit Association.  Members of RBAP MABS, led by Mr. John Owens, Chief of …

RBAP-MABS achievements highlighted in International Study Tour Read More »

National Banking Week 2012

In accordance to Proclamation 2250, designating January 1 to 7 as National Banking Week, the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas is encouraging all banking institutions and their branches to undertake promotional and publicity generating activities such as advertising, window and counter displays, streamers, distribution of give-aways and similar incentives.  Likewise, the BSP enjoins all banks to …

National Banking Week 2012 Read More »

Yuletide Greetings from RBAP

Good wishes  View more presentations from RBAPAT54   [RSSImport display=”5″ feedurl=”http://feedurl.com/” before_desc=” ” displaydescriptions=”TRUE” after_desc=” ” html=”FALSE” truncatedescchar=”200″ truncatedescstring=” … ” truncatetitlechar=” ” truncatetitlestring=” … ” before_date=” ” date=”FALSE” after_date=”” date_format=”” before_creator=” ” creator=”FALSE” after_creator=”” start_items=” ” end_items=” ” start_item=” ” end_item=” ” target=”” rel=”” charsetscan=”FALSE” debug=”FALSE” before_noitems=” ” noitems=”No items, feed is empty.” after_noitems=” …

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