NEW: 2014 Survey on Deposit Interest Rate Template and Guidelines from BSP

Dear rural bankers,

This refers to the quarterly survey on bank deposit interest rates being conducted by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) for purposes of determining market benchmarks and for general guidance of the depositing public.

Please be informed that for the first quarter 2014 survey, the BSP has come up with a bank interest template which will be subsequently incorporated in the Report of Selected Branch Accounts for banks to be submitted on a quarterly basis.

In this regard, may we request all our member-banks to accomplish the attached template for the 1st Quarter 2014 Survey on Deposit Interest Rate and submit the same on or before 12 May 2014 to the RBAP Secretariat at [email protected] or to Ms. Michelle Reyes at [email protected]

The Guidelines on Reportorial Requirements for Bank Interest Rates is also attached for your ready reference.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.


To download a copy of the 1st Quarter 2014 Survey Template, please click this link:
1st Quarter 2014 Survey Template

For a copy of the Guidelines, please click on this link:
Guidelines on the reportorial requirements