(UPDATE) President’s Message re: RB Week 2013

Dear fellow rural bankers,

Good relationships are maintained through effective communication. In this pursuit, please check your bank’s contact details at the RBAP website (click “Directory”, then “Members”).  Make sure that all details are correct and are in use by your bank.

Any inaccuracy in your contact details is picked up by our regulators, which will then assume that your bank received their messages. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) uses the email particularly for FRP and WRR concerns.  If their emails to you are not received, any error escalates and can result into severe penalties.  Avoid this possibility by checking your bank’s contact details monthly and advising RBAP (email:[email protected] or [email protected]) immediately of any changes.

August 25-31, 2013 is the 60th Rural Banking Week.  The theme this year is:  “60 Years of Personalized Banking For Everyone, Nationwide!”.  Let us have all rural banks make a banner strung on their premises to commemorate this milestone.  RBAP has made arrangements for a special Rural Banking Week supplement in the Philippine Star and the Manila Bulletin, which will come out on August 26 and 27, respectively.

We move forward to improve the lives of our clients and co-workers by way of professional and personalized services through rural banking!



To download template for RB Week Banner, please click on this link:
RB Week 2013 Banner Template