Official [email protected] Subscription


You are receiving this offer because our records show that you are one of the few Rural Banks that have not availed of an official RBAP.ORG email address which we have been providing since 2005.

Yahoo emails have become plainly unreliable due to hackers, who send lots of spam, thus Yahoo smtp servers are often blacklisted as spammers, making sending email via yahoo a hit and miss affair.  FREE email providers Yahoo, Hotmail / Outlook and Gmail have also been exposed as being continually spied upon by the USA NSA. Plus, you have zero technical support with Yahoo, Hotmail / Outlook, Gmail. This is the price you pay for “FREE” email.

Introducing: The Official [email protected] + Unlimited ROPA.RBAP.ORG listings: Only P 2,500 / year!

[email protected] is far more reliable, on-time, in sending email to the as we are whitelisted as the official email address provider of

1 yr. [email protected] specifications:
– 6,000 MB space
– Anti Spam / Anti Virus Filter using ASSP primary MX Server and 2 backup mx servers
– with 3 primary Squirrelmail Webmail access points and 1 secondary webmail access point, with 1 New RoundCube webmail… modern interface.
– whitelisted at the Bangko Sentral, admin to admin contact with the Bangko Sentral
– Mirrored Hard Drives
– Stand by Mirrored Server
– Access via POP3 and IMAP for access on iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone
– Human Filipino Tech support via text, chat, email, voice, fax, and teamviewer

1 Year Official Reposessed Asset Listing account:
– New! Interface, Self Service!
– unlimited items listings.
– with pictures
– add and edit any time
– direct link from
– sell ROPAs faster with this advertising medium

Only P 2,500 /yr
Fax Deposit Slip at (02)-857-2434
Or take a digital pic and email it to [email protected]

Best wishes,

Engr. Edwin Casimero
Network Administrator
for RBAP.ORG since 2002
Tel 02-861-6030, 02-570-7174
Cel / Text 0932-898-7459
