From BSP

BSP Circular No. 802: Amendment of Sec. X156 of the MORB on the Submission to the BSP of the Notice of Intended Closure of Banks and/or Their Branches or Other Offices Due to Local Holidays

Dear RBAP Members, For your guidance, below is Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Circular No. 802:  Amendment of Section X156 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB) on the Submission to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) of the Notice of Intended Closure of Banks and/or Their Branches or Other Offices Due to Local …

BSP Circular No. 802: Amendment of Sec. X156 of the MORB on the Submission to the BSP of the Notice of Intended Closure of Banks and/or Their Branches or Other Offices Due to Local Holidays Read More »

BSP Circular Letter No. CL-2013-032 – Accredited Rural Financial Institutions for the Purpose of Implementing the Agri-Agra Reform Act of 2009

Dear RBAP Members: For your guidance, attached is Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Circular Letter No. CL-2013-032: Accredited Rural Financial Institutions for the Purpose of Implementing the Agri-Agra Reform Act of 2009 Pursuant to Circular No. 736 of 20 July 2011. The Circular Letter is also posted in the BSP Website View/Download BSP Circular Letter No. CL-2013-032

BSP MEMORANDUM NO. M-2013-017 – Enhancements to the Risk-Based CAR Report in Relation to Recently Issued Regulations

Dear Member-Rural Banks,   Attached for your guidance is the Memorandum to All Stand Alone Thrift Banks, Rural Banks and Cooperative Banks on the enhancement to the Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) Report in relation to recently issued regulations dated 7 May 2013.  The said template shall be adopted starting with the reporting period ended …

BSP MEMORANDUM NO. M-2013-017 – Enhancements to the Risk-Based CAR Report in Relation to Recently Issued Regulations Read More »

BSP Circular No. 793: Amendment to Align the Familial Restrictions Applicable to “Independent Director”

Attached for your guidance is BSP Circular No. 793 – Amendment to Align the Familial Restrictions Applicable to “Independent Director” with the Existing Provision of the Securities Regulation Code, issued 8 April 2013. The Circular is also posted in BSP’s website at   View BSP Circular No. 793 here.        

BSP Circular No. 791: Restoration of 2009 Assessment Rates for Annual Supervisory Fees Charged on Banks

Attached for your guidance is BSP Circular No. 791 – Restoration of the 2009 Assessment Rates for Annual Supervisory Fees (ASF) Charged on Banks and Non-Banks With Quasi-Banking Functions For 2013 onwards, issued 3 April 2013. Circular No. 791 is also posted in BSP’s website at   View BSP Circular 791 here