Call for Proposals: Social Marketing Campaign for Rural Banks and their Low-Income Clients



Social Marketing Campaign for Rural Banks and their Low-Income Clients


The primary objective of the Social Marketing Campaignis to effectively teach rural bank clients on microinsurance product features and to positively change their behavior towards microinsurance.

The consultant, in coordination with the RBAP Microinsurance Team, shall provide professional services for developing a Microinsurance client education and social marketing modules and tools and shall meet the following deliverables:

  1. Provide guidelines for the market assessment and project framework to serve as basis for the design of the Campaign materials and tools
  2. Microinsurance Social Marketing Campaign materials and tools for use by rural bank staff with their clients (may include posters, standees, brochures, video, etc.)
  3. Training of Trainers module with trainers guide and appropriate instructional tools and materials
  4. Conduct of a 1-day Training of Trainers with RBAP Microinsurance Team Members and selected rural bank representatives on the effective use of the Campaign materials and tools
  5. Brief report of not more than 10 pages on the results of the Microinsurance Social Marketing Campaign documenting effective strategies employed and lessons learned

The effective date of this engagement is on April 10, 2012 and the completion date is at the close of business on June 15, 2012.

For a detailed description of the project, you may download the scope of work here.


Please send your proposal to:

Ms. Ruth Aseron, Microinsurance Coordinator, RBAP-MABS Program, at [email protected] by close of business on March 29, 2012. Include relevant work experience and proposed budget, which includes items for personnel, travel, materials, etc.