Bank Security & Protection Seminar – Sept 17 -18, 2014

Date: Sept. 17-18, 2014 (Wednesday-Thursday)
Venue: Gov. Licaros Hall, RBAP, Intramuros,
Time: 8:30am to 5:30pm
Resource Person:
Intelligence Officer –II of NBI, Trainer and Consultant
for Banks Safety & Security Program

Seminar Fee:

1. Early bird – P4,200 (on or before Aug. 29)
2. Regular Rate – P4,600 (After Aug. 29)
3. Non-Member/Delinquent – P5,520

Mode of Payment

• A Non-Refundable commitment fee of P2,300.00 per participant.
• Bank account (LBP – Intramuros Branch Savings Account Number 0012-1046-26).
• Proof of payment fax to (02) 527-2980.
• Check payments, should be payable to (RBRDFI).

Training Policies:

1.Reserve first with RBAP-RBRDFI your training slot, and wait for RBAP-RBRDFI confirmation of your reservation. Thereafter, you may deposit the Registration Fees, book ticket (airline) and secure accommodations.

RBAP-RBRDFI will not be responsible for any damage caused by unconfirmed reservation (s).

Likewise, once training is FULL, RBAP-RBRDFI has the right to refuse participation or reimbursement on any damage brought by unconfirmed reservations.

Deadline for submission of registration is not later that September 15, 2014.

1. Reservation via telephone conversation is accepted. However, Registration Form and fee must be settled 10 days prior the seminar date or September 08, 2014. Otherwise, reservation is considered cancelled.

2. Cancellation Policy: – This will apply to non-subsidized training fee.

a) 10 days prior the seminar date is entitled for a full refund. *Regular Rate only

b) 3 days prior to the seminar date is entitled for a half refund * Regular Rate only

c) Participants who have paid but failed to show up for the seminar will only be entitled to a rebate of 50% of the total registration fee. (Regular Rate only)

d) For special cases (health, accident etc.), kindly coordinate with RBRDFI staff for refund procedures and requirements.

Seminar Methodologies

Lecture, Discussions and Case Studies / Simulations.

Expected Participants

President, Director, Compliance Officer, Risk Management Manager, Chief Security Officer, HR Manager, Branch Manager

I. Objectives

For the participants to learn the Common Security Service Provision as provided in the Manual of Bank Regulations (MORB) as amended in BSP Circular No. 823, series of 2014.

At the end of the seminar, the participants are expected to:

1. Overview of the varied security concepts.

2. Provide participants a rounded picture of the risk and entity or corporation such as bank faces and how to properly conduct risk assessment and analysis through the physical examination of a facility and its operation.

3. Explain the minimum qualifications for a Bank Security Officer and a security consultant relative to the implementation of a comprehensive Bank Security Program.

4. Learn a comprehensive Security Assessment Plan as a basis for the Chief Security Officer in the discharge of his duties and responsibilities;

Course Outline

➢ Part I. Introduction
a. Aspect of Security
2. Countermeasures
3. Defense in depth

➢ Part II. Bank Security Program

1. Guard System
2. Security Devices
3. Security Planning Consideration
4. Physical Layout of Banks
5. Cash Transport
➢ Bank Robbery Scenarios
➢ Basic Qualifications of a Bank Security Officer and security consultant.
➢ Workshop on Preparation for the Bank Security Program

a. Security Survey & Risk Assessment and Analysis
b. Minimum Security Matters

Download the Confirmation Sheet in PDF