Accreditation of External TP on Corporate Governance

To RBAP members and partners, we would like to inform all of the recently promulgated BSP memorandum, stipulating the decision of said institution to reopen the window for accepting new applications for accreditation of External Training Providers (TP) of the Seminar on Corporate Governance. As stated, this is in accordance with the institute’s aim of strengthening corporate governance in all of its supervised FIs by supporting quality and effective training.

Memorandum 026, nonetheless, includes several guidelines that will ensure that external applicants duly meet the standards set by the BSP, such as the procedural requirements, etc. These are as follows:

a. That the TP has adequate track record of successfully conducting training programs preferably on banking-related programs;
b. That it has a sound business plan including reasonable training fees and adequate resources to conduct the seminar
c. That it can guarantee a line-up of qualified trainors;
d. That it can provide the course materials to the BSP for its review, and conduct a dry run;
e. That the TP’s authorized representative can submit to the BSP 1.) Written application for accreditation; 2.) Certification that it meets the requirements; 3.) Submission of supporting documents such as summary of business plan, credentials of resource persons, course program and training materials.

To get a complete list of the guidelines, accreditation fees and other requirements, please go to our Slideshare account or, download the attached link m026.


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